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Limit products based on interface visibility within answer workspace
Answer ID 5184   |   Last Review Date 04/06/2020

Is it possible to limit the products visible within the answer workspace?


Answer Workspace, Options, Products and Categories
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


With multiple interfaces, the functionality associated with the Administration visibility settings behave differently for incidents and answers, as detailed in Making a product or category specific to one interface.

When editing an answer, the behavior by design is that ALL products listed in the Products table will display for ALL interfaces when editing an answer, regardless of the Admin visibility configuration for specific interfaces. A product will display when editing answers from any interface, even though the admin visibility is enabled only for one interface, regardless of the languages of the interfaces. This allows knowledge engineers to use a single interface for editing and publishing answers.

A product will not be displayed in the Products and Categories tab of the Answer workspace in the following two circumstances:

1. None of the checkboxes for Administration visibility are selected in the Products/Categories/Dispositions area for the particular product i.e. the product is hidden on ALL interfaces.


2. Using the "Limit by Profile Interface(s)" option on the Answer Workspace, when the staff account's Profile does not have access to the interfaces where the Product is visible. 
For example:
    A site has three interfaces: English, Spanish, French.
    AccountA is logged into the French or English interface.
    AccountA's profile does NOT have access to the Spanish interface and ProductA has Admin visibility on the Spanish interface only (so ProductA has no visibility on English and French interfaces).
    ProductA will NOT be shown in the Answer workspace control for AccountA if the Limit option is ON.

By clicking the button shown below within the editor, this limits products and categories displayed on the Products and Categories relationship item. They're limited to those that have administration visibility only on the interfaces to which the staff member’s profile has access, instead of all interfaces of the site. Note that this option does not modify the expected behavior described at the beginning of this answer. It will make it easier for you if you want to reach the circumstances described in #1 above, by eliminating the product's visibility of the interfaces where the profile does not have access.

Edit answer workspace, select Products and Categories tab, the Limit by Profile Interface button is on the Design ribbon

For additional information on this and other options, refer to the 'Options properties' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.