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Product Visibility in Configuration Areas
Answer ID 6559   |   Last Review Date 07/08/2019

Why do I see my products in the Answer editor even though they should not be visible on this interface?


Products, Categories, Dispositions


There are certain areas in which removing administrator visibility will not impact the availability of a product. In configuration areas where administrators might be working on the content of the site and knowledge base (such as the Product/Categories/Dispositions editor, Answer editor, and Business Rules editor) there will still be access to all products for configuration purposes, regardless of whether those products are administrator visible on the interface in which the administrator is working.

Note: There is a configuration option within the answer workspace that allows administrators to limit product/category visibility. See Answer ID 5184: Limit products based on interface visibility within answer workspace for more information.

Visibility will impact day to day operation within the administration desktop. For example, products that are not configured as Administrator visible will not be visible to agents within incident workspace. Product visibility will also determine Answer visibility from one interface to another.

For additional information, refer to the 'Organizing information with products, categories, and dispositions' section in online documentation for the version your site is currently running. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.