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File Sync for Oracle B2C Service Update
Answer ID 9638   |   Last Review Date 08/02/2023

How does Oracle minimize the change freeze duration when updating Oracle B2C Service?


Oracle B2C Service


File Sync reduces the change freeze duration for Customer Portal and custom files. File Sync allows file changes to be made on the production site until 8 hours before cutover. Eight hours before cutover, all custom files are synced from the production site to the upgrade site to ensure production changes are not lost when cutover occurs. 

To check whether File Sync is enabled for your site, log into the Configuration Assistant, select “Manage My Update” in the hamburger menu for your production site and check under the Update Preferences section.


  • File Sync does not address changes made to message bases or configuration settings.
  • If you would like File Sync disabled, please submit a service request: Ask Technical Support.
  • Changes made to custom files on the upgrade site are not recoverable after File Sync is executed.
  • Deleting files from the production site will not delete them automatically from the upgrade site.  Deletions in production, while an upgrade site exists, are not recommended.  Doing so can result in update failure or restoration of the files at cutover.  

Folders synced are as follows:

* PHP Scripts: scripts/custom/src
* Customer Portal: CP3 development/staging folders (they are also compiled)
* Knowledge Foundation images: e.g. euf/assets, rnt/rnw/img
* Add-ins

Note: the Oracle B2C Service update process uses the custom files cloned to the upgrade site at update cutover and overwrites the custom files in the production site. Our recommendation is to freeze custom code changes during an update to avoid losing files. This includes Customer Portal files, custom files, and answer images. We still encourage you to have a backup for the changes you may make during the time the upgrade site is created till the time the cutover will be performed. For all intents and purposes.

Please refer to the following answer to learn about additional update considerations: Answer 1925: Changes carried forward at update cutover