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Editing or deleting multiple incidents at the same time
Answer ID 690   |   Last Review Date 11/22/2023

How do I edit or delete multiple incidents at the same time?


Oracle B2C Service, All versions


The Oracle B2C Service application includes functionality that allows staff members the ability to edit, reassign, and delete multiple incidents.  Specific privileges are granted to staff members from their staff profile.

Staff can also edit groups of other answers, such as answers, contacts, or opportunities. For more information on editing multiple records in Oracle B2C Service, refer to Answer ID 1894: Editing Multiple Records.

The fields that can be edited when using the multi-edit function are controlled by the Multi-Edit Incident workspace that is listed in the staff profile.

To edit multiple incidents, use the steps below:

  1. Run a report that returns the incidents that you are interested in editing.
  2. Use the CTRL or Shift key to select a group of incidents in the report output.
  3. Right click and select Open > Incident, the multi-edit workspace displays.
  4. Edit the appropriate fields and click Save.

The staff member can also select the group of records, right click and select Reassign to assign that group of incidents to a different staff member.

Note: When you edit or reassign the items, the report may not automatically refresh, depending on the configuration of the report, so it may appear that the records are still in the database. Click the Refresh option in the toolbar to verify that the records are listed (or not listed) in the report based on your update.

To reassign multiple incidents to another staff member, highlight the incidents of interest and then right-click and select Assign > Incidents. This bring up the list of staff groups and staff accounts so that you can easily reassign the selected incidents to the staff member.

To delete multiple incidents, select the incidents, right-click and select Delete > Incident(s). Confirm that you indeed want to delete the incidents. Your profile must allow delete privileges.

Important!: Use extreme caution when deleting multiple incidents. Once an incident is deleted, it is deleted from the database entirely and cannot be retrieved.

Note: When you delete the items, the top grid may not automatically refresh, depending on the configuration of your view, so it may appear that the records are still in the database. Click the Refresh icon in the console to verify that the records are no longer in the database.