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Prod/cat visibility changes removing all answers from end-user pages
Answer ID 4565   |   Last Review Date 02/24/2022

Why did all of my answers disappear from my end-user pages when I just enabled visibility on one of my products or categories?


Oracle B2C Service, Customer Portal, Enduser Pages


In order to fix this problem when it occurs, you have to locate the sole product or category that was enabled for end-user visibility and then disable its end-user visibility.  You can locate the product or category by creating a custom report that incorporates the following fields and filters.

  • Fields:
    • products.prod_hierarchy
  • Filters:
    • equals {your_interface_name}
    • prod_vis.end_user equals Yes

For categories, just switch the above from products to categories and prod_* to cat_* of course.

It is also possible to use the Product Visibility (ID 13040) and Category Visibility (ID 13045) reports.  These can be copied and modified as needed to meet your specific business needs.


If end-user visibility is not enabled for all products or categories on a given interface, the default answers list report assumes that product/category end-user visibility should not be taken into account by the report filters. This seems pretty intuitive by itself, but the problem with it is that if a site administrator enables end-user visibility for just one product or category and none of their answers are linked to that product/category, then all the answers will suddenly disappear from the end-user pages.

For more information on the impact of product and category edits, refer to the following:
Answer ID 1179: Effect on incidents and answers when moving or deleting products or categories.
Answer ID 645: Adding, editing, or removing Service products or categories