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Automatically forward Incident to non staff email and include attachment
Answer ID 5423   |   Last Review Date 09/24/2018

Is it possible to configure a business rule to forward an incident and include any attachments also added to the submission?


Configuration, Business Rules
Oracle B2C Service


If an incident is created via "Ask A Question" with a file attachment, and a rule is configured to forward the incident to an email address, can it be configured to send the file attachment as well?


For security purposes, it is not possible to have business rules automatically forward attachments along with the incident. If a customer attaches a document to an incident, the assumption is that only people on the other end with accounts into that system will have access to the attachment.  It is possible to manually forward an incident with attachments to a non-staff member since it is on a case-by-case basis and some judgment has been applied.

If you would like to submit an enhancement suggestion regarding this functionality, please post your submission to the Idea Lab. For more information, refer to Answer ID 966: Submitting an Enhancement Request.