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Adding new Questions
Answer ID 4753   |   Last Review Date 11/14/2018

How do I add a Question?


Feedback, Creating Questions


The Questions Explorer within Feedback provides a flexible set of features for adding new questions. When you add a question, you define the question name, type, and text that respondents will see. You can choose from three question types - text questions, choice questions and matrix questions.

Click the plus sign next to the appropriate heading below to expand that section for viewing.

To create a text question

1.  From the Questions explorer, click the New button. A new question opens on the content

2.  Type the text of the question in the Question Text field. This will be the question you want
     the respondent to answer (for example, “How can we improve our service?”).

3.  Select Text from the Question Type drop-down menu. 

Select this check box to require the respondent to answer the question. The survey cannot be submitted without answering the question.

Number of characters the respondent may use to answer

Type or use the arrows to select the number of characters the respondent can enter into the answer field. The maximum value is 4,000 characters, and the minimum value is 1 character. The default is 4,000 characters.

Number of lines to display to the respondent

Type or use the arrows to select the number of lines in the answer field. The maximum value is 30 lines, and the minimum value is 1 line. The default is 3 lines.

Number of columns to display to the respondent

Type or use the arrows to select the width of the answer field. The maximum value is 125 columns, and the minimum value is 1 column. The default is 40 columns.

Select this check box to display a real-time character count to survey respondents when they enter a text response.

4.  Click the Display Options button on the ribbon to define HTML properties for the question
     and answer. The Display Options window opens.

Enter information in this section to define how the question text appears in the survey.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field. Style attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font (for example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic).

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field. The class must be defined in a CSS that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

Enter information in this section to define how the answer text appears in the survey.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the answer text in this field.

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the answer text in this field.

Enter information in this section to define the appearance of the real-time character count that displays to respondents.

Counter Default Color

Click the color box to select a default color for the counter text or type the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

Counter Warning Color

Click the color box to select a warning color for the counter text or type the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box. The warning color is used when the number of characters in the answer field exceeds the maximum value allowed.

5.  Click the OK button to save the display options.

6.  To preview the question before saving it, click the Preview Question button on the ribbon.
     The Question Preview window opens.

     a.  Click the OK button to close the window.

7.  Click the Save and Close button to save the question. The Save As window opens.

8.  Select the folder you want to save the question in and type the name of the question in
      the Name field.  

9.  Click the Save button to save the question.

To create a choice question

1.  From the Questions explorer, click the New button. A new question opens
     on the content pane.

2.  Type the text of the question in the Question Text field. This will be the question you want
      the respondent to answer (for example, “Which of the following products did you

3.  Select Choice from the Question Type drop-down menu.

Select whether respondents are required to answer this question and set the minimum and maximum number of choices respondents can select.

Respondent must answer this question

Select this check box to require respondents to answer the question. The survey cannot be submitted without answering the question.


Type the minimum number of choices respondents must select in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The minimum number cannot be more than the maximum number.

Note: This field displays only for List and Checkbox choice types.


Type the maximum number of choices respondents can select in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The maximum number cannot be less than the minimum number.

Note: This field displays only for List and Checkbox choice types.

Add Choice

Click this button to add a choice to the choice list.

The choices panel displays all choices defined for the question. You can drag and drop the choices to reorder the list.

Choice Text

Type the text of the choice in this field.


Type the score for the choice in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The score value is used to assign a relative weight to each choice based on the contact’s answers. Survey scores may be used as rule conditions or to trigger survey final actions. Refer to Adding actions with the Survey Final Action wizard.

Is “Other” Choice

Double-click this field and then click the drop-down menu and select Yes to set the choice to “other.” This allows respondents to type an additional choice in the list.

Note: Only one choice can be set to “other” when the question is saved.


This column displays actions that can be taken on choices.


Click this button to edit the choice in the choice list.


Click this button to remove the choice from the list.

Up Arrow

Click this button to move the selected choice one position higher in the list.

Down Arrow

Click this button to move the selected choice one position lower in the list.

Select this check box to indicate whether the choices will be displayed to respondents in a random order. If the check box is not selected, the choices are displayed in the order in which they are listed in the choice list.

Number of choices to display per line

Type the number of choices to display per line in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number.

Note: This field displays only for Radio and Checkbox choice types.

4.  Click the Display As menu and select one of the following question display types.

Enter information in this section to define how the question text appears in the survey.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field.

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field. The class must be defined in a CSS that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

Enter information in this section to define how the answer text appears in the survey. These attributes are applied to the question’s listed choices.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the answer text in this field.

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the answer text in this field.

5.  Click the Display Options button on the ribbon to define HTML properties for the question
     and answer. The Display Options window opens.

6.  Click the OK button to save the display options.

7.  To preview the question before saving it, click the Preview Question button on the ribbon.
     The Question Preview window opens.

     a.  Click the OK button to close the window.

8.  Click the Save and Close button to save the question. The Save As window opens.

9.  Select the folder you want to save the question in and type the name of the question in
     the Name field.  

10. Click the Save button to save the question.

To create a matrix question

1.  From the Questions explorer, click the New button. A new question opens on the content

2.  Select Matrix from the Question Type drop-down menu.  

3.  Type the introductory text for the matrix in the Introduction Text field.  
     This text will summarize the group of questions in the matrix (for example,
      “Please rank your service experience in the following areas.”).

Click this drop-down menu to select how answer choices are displayed: Radio or Checkbox. (Radio is the default.)

Note: The question display type affects which fields display in the Matrix section.

Respondent Row Selections

These settings define whether matrix questions are required and the number of answers that can be selected per question.

Respondent must answer each question

Select this check box to require respondents to answer each of the questions in the matrix. The questionnaire cannot be submitted without answering all of the listed questions.


Type the minimum number of choices respondents must select in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The minimum number cannot be more than the maximum number.

Note: This field displays only for Checkbox choice type.


Type the maximum number of choices respondents can select in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The maximum number cannot be less than the minimum number.

Note: This field displays only for Checkbox choice type.

This area contains a fixed reference grid that illustrates the position of questions and choices in a matrix table.

Note: This grid does not display table, cell, or border styles defined in the display options, nor does it display questions or choices that have been added to the lists.

The question list displays all questions defined for the matrix. You can drag and drop the questions to reorder the list.

Add Question

Click this button to add a question to the matrix.

Question Text (Row)

This column displays the question text. Question text entries appear as labels in the rows of the matrix table.


This column displays actions that can be taken on questions.


Click this button to edit the question.


Click this button to remove the question.

Question Up Arrow

Click this button to move the selected question one position higher in the list.

Question Down Arrow

Click this button to move the selected question one position lower in the list.

The choice list displays all choices defined for the matrix. You can drag and drop the choices to reorder the list.

Add Choice

Click this button to add a choice to the matrix.

Choice Text (Column)

This column displays the choice text. Choice text entries appear as labels in the columns of the matrix table.


Type the score for the choice in this field or use the up and down arrows to select a number. The score value is used to assign a relative weight to each choice and allows for survey calculations to trigger rules or campaign actions based on the respondent’s answers. For information about using rules with survey results, refer to Business Rules Management.


This column displays actions that can be taken on choices.


Click this button to edit the choice.


Click this button to remove the choice.

Choice Up Arrow

Click this button to move the selected choice one position higher in the list.

Choice Down Arrow

Click this button to move the selected choice one position lower in the list.

Select this check box to display the questions in the matrix in a random order. If the check box is not selected, the questions are displayed in the order in which they are listed in the question list.

Select this check box with radio button choices to restrict survey respondents to select only one choice per column. This option is useful when designing a matrix containing rows of items that you want your respondents to rank. Since matrix questions with radio buttons allow only one choice to be selected per row, the additional restriction on columns forces respondents to rank their answers.

Note: When Forced Ranking is selected, the matrix must contain the same number of rows (questions) as it does columns (choices).


4.  Click the Display Options button on the ribbon to define HTML properties for the question
     and answer. The Display Options window opens.

Enter information in this section to define how the introduction text appears in the survey.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the introduction text in this field. Style attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font (for example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic).

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the introduction text in this field. The class must be defined in a CSS that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

Enter information in this section to define how the question text appears in the matrix.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field. Style attributes define how the text appears, such as color and font (for example, color: red; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic).

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the question text in this field. The class must be defined in a CSS that is available on your web server and linked to in the <head> tag of a survey template.

Enter information in this section to define how the choice options appear in the matrix. These attributes are applied to the question’s listed choices.

HTML Style

Type any HTML style attributes you want to assign to the choice options in this field.

HTML Class

Type any HTML class attributes you want to assign to the choice options in this field.

Define the table’s attributes in this section.


Type the width, in pixels, of the table’s border or use the up and down arrows to select a number.


Click this drop-down menu and select the alignment of the table on the page. Your choices are Left, Centered, and Right.


Type the width of the table, or use the up and down arrows to select a number, and select the unit from the radio buttons (Pixels or Percentage).

Header Repeat by Rows

Type the number of rows after which the header row will be repeated, or use the up and down arrows to select a number.

Dark Background Color

Click the color box to select a color for the table’s dark background or type the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

Light Background Color

Click the color box to select a color for the table’s light background or type the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

Border Color

Click the color box to select a color for the table’s borders or type the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

Define the table’s attributes in this section.

Cell Spacing

Type the spacing, in pixels, of the table’s cells or use the up and down arrows to select a number.

Cell Padding

Type the padding, in pixels, of the table’s cells or use the up and down arrows to select a number.

5.  Click the OK button to save the display options.

6.  To preview the question before saving it, click the Preview Question button on the ribbon.
     The Question Preview window opens.

     a.  Click the OK button to close the window.

7.  Click the Save and Close button to save the question. The Save As window opens.

8.  Select the folder you want to save the question in and type the name of the question in
     the Name field.  

9.  Click the Save button to save the question.  

For additional information, refer to the 'Creating questions' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.