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Allowing other contacts to update incidents
Answer ID 1457   |   Last Review Date 10/27/2021

How can I allow other contacts to update incidents submitted by coworkers?


Incoming E-mail, Configuration Settings


Beginning in 17D: The EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_ENABLED configuration setting has been renamed to EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE.  This setting determines the level of security applied when updating an incident by email.

Supported values are:

2 - Updating an incident by email is allowed only when the Reply-to or From address of the email message is listed in the contact record associated with the incident (that is, the primary or alternate email addresses).

1 - Updating an incident by email is allowed from any email address, but only if the new message includes a tracking string indicating a match to the site and incident in question. (Note that if  no tracking information is found but a ref_no is found in the subject, then an incident will be created if EGW_UPDATE_BY_CREATE is set to 1).

0 - Updating an incident by email is allowed from any email address based on reference number match only.


The Default is 2.

*Note a setting of 0 allows an incident to be updated by as little as a reference number match in the subject. Because of this, a contact other than the original incident's contact can update the incident



This whole process may be better followed via this flowchart of the techmail/EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE process:

Flowchart: Email arrives and is processed by Techmail > EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE (ESUM) value > ESUM = 0, 1 or 2 > Yes / No decisions are made

The EGW_AUTO_CONT_CREATE configuration setting determines whether or not a contact record can be created by email.  


An incoming email message will update an incident under the following conditions:

Example 1:
is enabled and EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE is disabled:
  • Matches an existing contact record based on the sending email address of the email message compared to the email addresses of a contact record ELSE creates a new contact record.
  • Matches an existing reference number as identified in the subject ELSE creates a new incident for the sending contact.
Example 2:
EGW_AUTO_CONT_CREATE is disabled and EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE is disabled:
  • Matches an existing contact record based on the sending email address of the email message compared to the email addresses of a contact record ELSE discards message.
  • Matches an existing reference number as identified in the subject ELSE creates a new incident for the sending contact.


EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_ENABLED In August 2017 and earlier:

If the EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_ENABLED configuration setting is enabled, updating an incident by email is only allowed when the sending email address of the email message (*see definition of sending mail address precedence below) is listed in the primary contact record associated with the incident (i.e. the primary or alternate email addresses configured for the contact). If disabled, an incident can be updated by email from any email address or a new contact record can be created (see EGW_AUTO_CONT_CREATE). The default is enabled (yes). 

*Sending Email Address Precedence:  An incoming email message is considered to be from the address identified in the 'Reply-To' of the message.  If there is no 'Reply-To', then the email is considered to be from the address in the 'From' of the message.  If there is no 'Reply-To' or 'From', the email is considered to be from the Sender.  The email address precedence is 'Reply-To', 'From', 'Sender' in determining the sending email address.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

 For more information on accessing the Configuration Editor and editing settings, refer to Answer ID 1960: Editing Configuration Settings.