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BUI extension is failing to work after update
Answer ID 12588   |   Last Review Date 05/17/2023

Why has my Browser User Agent Extension broken suddenly?


Agent Browser User UI (BUI) extensibility framework, BUI updates


Extension is broken after BUI Update


Manipulation of the object model or DOM of the BUI workspace is done from the Extension Framework. Manipulation of the BUI workspace with the document/jQuery selector is not supported. The BUI workspace is updated weekly according to the schedule in the answer here.  Browser User Interface Updates

DOM manipulation is ineffective; as the updates for the BUI interface will modify the selector location and ID's in the workspace DOM. Causing the Document/jQuery selector to start failing.

Getting field values from the BUI workspace's is done with the getFieldValues function in the BUI extension workspace. 


When the weekly BUI update is released the names of ID's of the workspace may change; breaking the selector. DOM objects may also move position in the DOM.


Manipulation using the document/jQuery selector inside the BUI extension itself will function as expected

The answer here is an excellent white paper for illuminating the training curriculum here in CX Service Support.Best Practices for Oracle B2C Service Integration and Extensibility