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Update Process Status in Configuration Assistant
Answer ID 11232   |   Last Review Date 07/24/2024

How can I check the status of the Oracle B2C Service version update and the status of upgrade site creation?


Oracle B2C Service, Configuration Assistant


The Oracle Cloud Portal ( has various self-service tools and Oracle B2C Service users are able to monitor the status of an update process. Detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Log into Configuration Assistant
  2. From the Configuration Assistant home page, click on the Site Operations hamburger menu on the right side of your Oracle B2C Service production site and select "Manage My Update".
  3. Check under the "Production Site Status"/"Upgrade Site Status" section.

Production Site Status


Eligible for Update

A newer version of Oracle B2C Service is available.  An update is not currently underway.

Update in Flight

An update is underway.  From now until the site status is “On Latest Version”:

Interfaces cannot be created, renamed, nor disabled.  Interface changes, including changes to security headers, are not allowed.  The site cannot be transported to a different data center.  New mailboxes cannot be provisioned.

Creation and updates to message base records and configuration settings create risk and require special handling.  Refer to 
changes carried forward at update cutover for more information.  Lastly, custom field and Custom Object deployments are restricted.

A concise update helps minimize the impact of these production restrictions.

Cutover in Progress

Production cutover is in progress.

Cutover Complete

Production cutover completed.  Avoid refreshing a test site at this stage because the update POST process is not complete.

Post Process in Progress

The update POST process starts 24 hours after the cutover. Test site refreshes should not be initiated during this time.

Post Process Complete

The POST process completed.  Test sites should be refreshed now.

On Latest Version

The site is running on the newest version of Oracle B2C Service.  An update is not currently underway.  All production update restrictions are removed.


Upgrade Site Status



An update will start on the scheduled date. A newer version of Oracle B2C Service is available.

Waiting for Verification

The site is undergoing an update. The target version has not been confirmed.

Waiting to Clone

The site undergoing an update. Upgrade site creation has not started.

Being Created

Upgrade site creation is in progress.


An upgrade site is available for testing.

Cutover in Progress

Production cutover in progress. The upgrade site is no longer available after this point.

Cutover Complete

Production-site cutover has completed.


The production site recently completed an update.


The update is cancelled. The upgrade site will be deleted soon.