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Changing the text of the Products and Categories menus
Answer ID 573   |   Last Review Date 10/25/2023

How do I change the labels of the Products and Categories drop-down menus?


Service > Products/Categories/Dispositions


Edit content in administration pages: 
To modify the Product and Category labels used on the administration pages including when editing incidents, you can edit the workspace where the product or category field displays. When editing the workspace, click the product or category field and then edit the Label Text property.

To include a hotkey for the text, include an ampersand (&) immediately prior to the hotkey. For example, if you change the text to be "Issues" with the "I" as the hotkey, enter "&Issues" in the Label Text property.

Edit content on end-user pages: 
To modify the Product and Category labels used on the end-user pages, edit the appropriate message bases. Use caution when editing message bases since message bases are frequently used in multiple locations of your interface.  That is, editing a message base affects all areas where that message base is used in the interface.

The message bases below are typically of greatest interest to affect the text used on the end-user pages.


Path to edit message bases: Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Bases > serach by Key.

Additional Considerations

Hotkeys: For more information on editing the hotkey message bases, refer to Answer ID 1776: Modifying Hotkey Text.

Hotkeys within the administration workspaces are defined within the workspace itself by editing the LabelText property for the field. Within the LabelText property, include an ampersand (&) immediately prior to the character used as the hotkey.

Editing the All Products and All Categories labels: In addition, you may want to modify the menu item indicating All products or categories.

The ALL_LBL message base is used for both the Product and Category menus to include all menu items in the list. If you edit this message base, it will affect the menu option for both the Product and Category menus. Similarly, the ALL_SUBS_LBL, which is set to "All Subs" by default, is used for both products and categories.

Generating a report: Additionally, you can review all message bases to determine if other text strings include the words "product" or "category" within a sentence or text string. To do this, you can generate a report of the message bases and use the find feature to search the report for a specific word.

For more information on editing message bases, refer to Answer ID 383: Determining Which Message Base to Edit.