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Customizing notifications and email messages sent by Oracle B2C Service
Answer ID 5380   |   Last Review Date 07/22/2019

How do I customize the text of the notifications and email messages sent by the Service application?


Message Templates
Oracle B2C Service administrator notifications, administrator emails, and contact emails


You can use Message Templates, per interface, to customize your administrator notifications, administrator emails, and contact emails. You can customize your message content, enable and disable notifications and emails, as well as define the message format as HTML or text. Message templates also let you quickly apply your organization’s brand across all notifications and emails, including Service email.

Note: To edit Message Templates, administrators must have the applicable profile permission enabled. If newly enabled, you may also need to add the Message Templates item to the navigation set associated to that profile.

The Message Templates editor is available from Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates > select the interface you wish to edit message for. From the top ribbon, you can select the message/notification group or edit the global template.

Working with the Message Templates editor:

The Message Templates editor contains the global template and a set of system-generated messages. You can edit each template using an HTML editor similar to the HTML editors used to create content for mailings, surveys, and answers. 

Global Template:

The global template contains the content that frames the message-specific content in each of your individual messages. You are able to customize a global template for each individual message in each interface, as they are interface-specific. Think of the global template as a wrapper for your entire set of notifications and emails. Using the HTML editor, you can standardize the design of your outgoing messages giving them all the same look and feel. For example, you can insert your organization’s logo in the header and your contact information in the footer of the global template. When you are ready to deploy your global template, your brand can be applied to a single message or across all of your messages. For more information, see Message Templates in the online documentation for your version.

To apply or remove the global template to a specific Message Template, toggle the Template button on the ribbon while the Message Template is open for editing.

System-generated Messages:

The system-generated messages are sent to staff and contacts to support activities and events occurring throughout the system. Using an HTML editor, you can insert links that appear as clickable text and use merge fields to customize each message. The tools that display on the HTML editor are context-sensitive and are the logical tools you would use for the specific message you are customizing.

More information on Message Templates is available via Popular answers about Message Templates.

For additional information, refer to the How the Message Templates Editor Works section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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