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FAQ page on the mobile site is directing to the main site
Answer ID 5322   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

When I select an FAQ on the mobile site it directs to the main site. How can I change this so that the links direct the users to a mobile page rather than a standard webpage?


FAQ, Answers, Mobile, End User Pages, Customer Portal


When I select an FAQ on the mobile site it directs to the main site. How can I change this so that the links direct the users to a mobile page rather than a standard webpage?


After reviewing the mobile source code, it appears that the FAQ links are generated from a standard CX Cloud Services report 'Popular Answers' (report_id 194):


<rn:widget path="reports/MobileMultiline" report_id="194" per_page="6"/>

The standard report, Popular Answers, on the home.php page links to the standard end-user pages rather than the mobile pages. Since it is not possible to edit a standard report, make a copy of the standard report and then edit the new report to link to the mobile pages.

From the copied report:

  1. Open the report in design view
  2. Right click the hyperlink area and select 'Edit Format'


  3. On the pop up window, select the URL tab
  4. You can see the URL link to the standard answer pages which is hardcoded into the 'Use custom URL' box
  5. Select the 'Advanced URL definition'
  6. In the 'Advanced URL definition' section, uncheck the 'Begin with answers detail URL'
  7. Edit the hard coded link to point to the mobile URL link: 'https://<sitename>'
  8. Save the report

Now that the new copied report points to the mobile pages, edit the home.php file with the new report id. The FAQ links will now direct you to mobile pages rather than the standard webpages.


If other sections of your main mobile pages contain reports that link to standard webpages, you will also need to edit those reports in the same manner to redirect them to the mobile webpages.