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SmartAssistant Display Conditions
Answer ID 4243   |   Last Review Date 12/18/2018

I recently upgraded, and now SmartAssistant is not being displayed every time our users submit an incident.


SmartAssistant Suggested Solutions, Customer Portal - End-user pages


SmartAssistant can be displayed conditionally. Connect to your Customer Portal pages, navigate to euf/development/views/pages/ask.php and you will note the code:

<rn:condition answers_viewed="2" searches_done="1">         
          <rn:widget path="input/SmartAssistantDialog"/>        

This means that if a user has performed one search or viewed two answers, then SmartAssistant will not display. You can edit the page to change this. For example, if you would like a limit of 3 searches and 7 answers, your code should look like this:

<rn:condition answers_viewed="7" searches_done="3">         
          <rn:widget path="input/SmartAssistantDialog"/>        

Alternately, if you want SmartAssistant to always display,  remove the condition statements around the SmartAssistantDialog widget and leave the following line of code:

<rn:widget path="input/SmartAssistantDialog"/>    

Remember, when using Customer Portal, changes are made to the development folder. You can test changes by navigating to <your site name>/ci/admin, logging in and clicking the button to view the development area. For example if your site were the url would be This will place a cookie on your machine so that whenever visiting your site, the code in the development folder will be rendered instead of the production folder. After you have tested, you can use the same url to clear the development cookie. Once you have tested, you will need to deploy Customer Portal to make the changes active. Be sure to check with all admins who may be working in Customer Portal, as the deployment will move all development code into the production code folder.