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Real-time chat reporting
Answer ID 4009   |   Last Review Date 08/30/2024

Which chat reports are available in real time?


Chat Analytics, Real-Time chat reporting
Oracle B2C Service


Real-Time reports and dashboards for chat are available. They display data directly from the chat server, not from the database. All of these reports have a default refresh rate of fifteen seconds or less and are located in Public Reports -> Service -> Chat Reports -> Real-Time Reports.

In order to see data in Real-Time reports in .NET, the agent needs to be logged into Chat. If the agent is not logged into Chat, the following message will be displayed instead: 'You must be logged in to chat in order to see data in this report'.

Below is a list of relevant chat Real-Time reports.

Report ID Report Name Description
3037 Active Chat List Per Agent This report displays information about active chats that are assigned to agents.
3039 Active Chat List Per Queue This report displays information about active chats in queues.
3505 Chat Agent Home–Real Time This dashboard is a real-time version of the Chat Agent Home dashboard located at Public Reports -> Service -> Chat Reports.
3041 Chat Agent List Per Queue This report displays information about agents and their assignment to queues.
3042 Chat Agent Queue Snapshot This report displays information about an agent’s current chats.
3504 Chat Supervisor Home–Real Time This dashboard is a real-time alternative to the Chat Supervisor Home dashboard located at ->Public Reports -> Service -> Chat Reports.
3043 Chat Supervisor Queue Snapshot This report displays information about each engagement in a queue.
3036 Current Chat Agent Statistics This report displays statistics for individual agents.
3035 Current Chat Group Statistics This report displays statistics for agent groups.
3038 Current Chat Queue Statistics This report displays statistics for chat queues.
3044 My Chat Agent Statistics  This report displays basic statistics for the current agent.
3040 Waiting Chat List Per Queue This report displays information about waiting chats in queues.
3069 Wrap-Up Chat List Per Agent This report displays information about chats currently in wrap-up mode for each agent.



















For additional information, refer to the 'Real-time chat reports' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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