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Customizing workspace ribbons and Quick Access toolbar
Answer ID 2580   |   Last Review Date 11/14/2018

How do I customize the ribbons used when editing records such as incidents or contacts?


Editing Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbars
Oracle B2C Service


When editing or viewing a record, the Quick Access toolbar and ribbon are controlled by the workspace configured for that record type in the staff profile.  Within a workspace, you can customize both the Quick Access toolbar and the tabs and buttons in the workspace ribbon.

  • The Quick Access toolbar includes icons at the top of the page for the most common functions for the record type you are working in.

  • The workspace ribbon includes the Home tab which contains groups of functional buttons. You can include additional tabs and reorganize, add, or remove the buttons on the tabs.

For example, the Quick Access toolbar may include icons for Save, Save and Close, and Print button.  Within the ribbon, on the Home tab, you may also have the Save button along with the New, Copy, Delete, Spell Check, Links, and Info buttons.

Minimizing the ribbon

With any record open, right click anywhere in the ribbon and select Minimize Ribbon.

To maximize the ribbon again, select the application button in the top left corner to open it, and right click on any of the options, select Maximize Ribbon.  

Editing the Workspace with the Ribbon Designer  

When editing a workspace, the Ribbon Designer allows you to customize the Quick Access toolbar and the ribbon for that workspace. 

Note:  To customize the toolbar and ribbon in a standard workspace, you must copy the workspace and edit the copy. You cannot edit the original workspace. Then, you must update the staff profile to use the copied workspace.

To customize the toolbar and ribbon for a workspace, use the high-level steps below.

  1. From the Configuration Items, select Application Appearance > Workspaces/Workflows to open the Workspaces/Workflows explorer.

  2. In the right frame, right click on the workspace and select Open.

  3. From the Home tab, click Ribbon. The Ribbon Designer opens in a separate window.

  4. From the Ribbon Designer, you can edit both the Quick Access icons and the ribbon tabs and buttons. Separate instructions are provided below for customizing the Quick Access toolbar and the ribbon.

  5. After customizing the toolbar icons and the ribbon, click OK to close the Ribbon Designer.

  6. Save the workspace. 

Important!  After closing the Ribbon Designer, you must still save the workspace even if you did not make any other edits.

While editing a workspace > Home ribbon > Workspace Properties section > Ribbon > Ribbon Designer opens

Editing Quick Access Icons

Within the Quick Access toolbar, you can add and remove icons or reorder them.

  1. From the Ribbon Designer, click Configure Quick Access Buttons to the right of the icons at the top of the window.

  2. In the options window, enable or disable the checkboxes next to each item and click OK.

When the pop-up window closes, the icons refresh to reflect your modifications.  Icons are listed in the order that you enabled the checkboxes.  Therefore, to reorder the icons in the Quick Access toolbar, click Choose Buttons and clear all the checkboxes.  Then, enable each checkbox in the order that you want them to display and click OK.

Ribbon Designer > Configure Quick Access Button

Editing Items in the Workspace Ribbon  

Workspace ribbons consist of the following elements:

  • Tabs
  • Groups of items on a tab
  • Buttons and separators in a group

For example, on the standard incident workspace, the ribbon consists of:

  • One tab -- named Home

  • Four groups on the Home tab -- named Save, Actions, Proofing, and Links and Info

  • Buttons and/or separators within each group. The Save group contains the Save and Save and Close buttons.  The Links and Info group contains the Links button, a separator, and the Info button

Each button can be configured to display as a large or small button. In addition, you can configure each button to display both the image and text description or just an image.

Therefore, when configuring a ribbon in the workspace, you must define:

  • The tabs in the ribbon
  • For each tab, you must define the groups
  • For each group, you must define the buttons and/or separators
  • For each button, you must define the size and style

When you first open the Ribbon Designer, focus defaults to the first tab (Home).  All tabs in the ribbon are listed in the lower section of the window.

  • To access the groups for a tab:  Click the tab in the ribbon. This lists all tabs in the ribbon in the lower section of the window and highlights the row for the tab you selected. Then, either double click the row or click Edit Tab.  The list of groups for the row display in the window. 

  • To access the items in a group:  Click the group name in the ribbon. This lists all groups in that tab in the lower section of the window.  Either double click the row or click Edit Group

  • To edit a button:  Click the button in the ribbon. Then, click the row for the button name in the lower section and click Edit Button.  In the pop-up, select the button size and whether the button should include both the icon and text or just the icon. Click OK to close the pop-up.

After configuring the ribbon as you want, click OK to close the Ribbon Designer. Then, save the workspace.

For additional information, refer to the Customizing ribbons and Quick Access toolbars section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.