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Setting properties in workspaces
Answer ID 2518   |   Last Review Date 02/10/2020

How do I set properties within workspaces?


Workspaces, Field and control properties


When configuring workspaces, different items within the workspace have different properties associated depending on the type of element involved.  

  • Database fields, including custom fields, generally have properties that are most common across several fields and features. This includes properties such as spell checking, read-only, and required properties. 

  • Relationship items and controls typically have properties that are more unique and specific to that item. For example, in an incident workspace, the Incident Thread relationship item (which is on the Messages tab by default) includes the Send Response Default and Commit Response on Save properties.  These properties are unique to the incident thread item only.

For comprehensive information regarding workspaces, refer to the 'Workspaces' section in online documentation for the version your site is on.  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Setting Properties in a Workspace

To view and set the properties for an item in a workspace, use the steps below:

  1. From the navigation pane items, select Application Appearance > Workspaces / Workflows.

  2. In the right frame, open the workspace for editing.  For a standard workspace, you must copy the workspace and then open the copy for editing.

  3. Within the workspace, click on the specific item. When the item is selected, it is surrounded by a dashed line.

  4. When you select an item in the workspace, the properties for that item display.

  5. To change the value of the property, click the property and edit the value.

  6. If you modified any properties, save the workspace.

Note:  If you copied a standard workspace and edited the copy, you must update the staff profiles to use the saved copy instead of the standard workspace.

Mandatory Required Fields in Workspaces 

When creating a custom workspace, certain fields may be required by the system for that type of workspace. You must include those fields when creating a custom workspace.  Required fields are already included in the standard workspaces that are configured within the application.

For example, when creating an answer workspace, the Summary field is required in order to save a new answer. As a result, your workspace must have the Summary field included in order to save answers in your application.

In addition, some fields are set as required by default. For most fields, the Required Option property allows you to specify whether the field is required when a staff member uses that workspace.

In the workspace designer, required fields are designated in red with an asterisk.  For a list of required fields for each workspace, refer to "Required fields".  To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Profile-based Field Properties

Database fields Hidden, Read Only and Required properties can be based on profiles.  For example, in a single workspace, you can make fields required for some profiles and not required for other profiles. Similarly, you can make fields read-only or hidden for some profiles and not for others.  This allows you to use a single workspace across several profiles that may have different properties for different fields.

These Hidden, Read Only and Required properties can take on one of the following values:

  • On New
  • On Open
  • Profile Based

For example, the Required property can be the following:

  • On New: The field is required for all profiles when creating new records.

  • On Open: The field is required for all profiles when editing/opening an existing record.

  • Profile Based: This property will make records required for selected profiles when creating or opening a record.

To set profile-based values for the Hidden, Read Only and Required properties:

  • Click the item and then from the Design tab, click the property and select Profile Based.  For example, click a custom field and from the Design tab, click Read Only > Profile based.
    In the pop-up window, enable the checkboxes for the appropriate profile so that the property is in effect for new records or when opening existing records.

For more information on profile-based properties, refer to "Setting hidden, required, and read-only properties" within the online documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Hidden and Read-only Properties for Required Fields

If a field is required, you can only set the Read Only or Hidden properties under specific conditions.  Namely, if the field is configured to use a default value, for new records and the field is required, then you can set that field to be read-only or hidden for new records

If the field is required for new records and no default value is set, you cannot set that field to be read-only or hidden on new records. That is, if the field is required on new records, the staff member must be able to access and edit that field to set the value.  As a result, you cannot make a field read-only or hidden on new records if it is required and does not have a default value.

For additional information, refer to the 'Field and control properties' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

Answer ID 11374: Default Value workspace setting