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Changing the date and time format in the Oracle B2C Service application
Answer ID 2392   |   Last Review Date 06/24/2019

How do I change the date format used in the Oracle B2C Service application?


Configuration Settings, Changing the Date/Time Format displayed in the console
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


Within your Oracle B2C Service application, several configuration settings affect the display of date and time fields throughout the application. These settings affect the display format when viewing records from the administration pages as well as end-user display on the Answers, Ask a Question, or My Account Overview pages.

Note: Within views and reports, the display format for date/time fields is controlled by the configuration of the output column.

When editing the configuration settings below, you will affect all locations in the application that use the setting format for displaying date and time information.

For example, if you edit the DTF_TIME setting, the change you make will apply to all fields that use the DTF_TIME format, not just the fields used with specific record types.

To remove the time element from fields within the Oracle B2C Service application, you can edit the DTF_TIME setting to be blank. As a result, only the date elements display.

The settings below allow you to determine how date/time formats are displayed in records in your Oracle B2C Service application. For example, you can specify whether a month displays as a full name or a three-letter abbreviation, such as November or Nov.

Note: Once your changes are complete, select Save or Save & Close (if in the Settings Editor). It may also be necessary to log out of Oracle B2C Service and log back in for some configuration setting changes to become active.

  • DTF_INPUT_DATE_ORDER: Sets the order in which dates should be input on the end-user interface, including the Ask a Question page. The accepted values are: 0-English (MDY), 1-Japanese (YMD), and 2-European (DMY). 

  • DTF_LONG_DATE: Specifies the long date format (for example, Monday, December 27, 2017). Default is %A, %b %d, %Y.  

  • DTF_SHORT_DATE: Specifies the short date format (for example, 12/27/2017). Default is %m/%d/%Y

  • DTF_MONTH_YEAR_DATE: Specifies the date format when just the month and year are needed (for example, December 2017). Default is %b %Y

  • DTF_TIME: Specifies the time format (for example, 12:24 PM). Default is %I:%M %p. 

  • DTF_YEAR_DATE: Specifies the year only date format (for example, 2017). Default is %Y

  • DTF_MONTH_DAY_DATE: Specifies the short international date format when just month and day are needed (for example, 12/27). Default is %m/%d.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.


The list below provides the format tokens that can be used with these settings:




 Displays the three-character abbreviated weekday name. For example, Monday=Mon.
 Corresponding message bases are: MON_LBL, TUE_LBL, WED_LBL, etc.


 Displays the full weekday name. For example, Monday.
 Corresponding message bases are: MONDAY_LBL, TUESDAY_LBL, WEDNESDAY_LBL, etc.


 Displays the three-character abbreviated month name. For example, March=Mar. 
 Corresponding message bases are:  SHORT_JAN_LBL, SHORT_FEB_LBL, SHORT_MAR_LBL, SHORT_APR_LBL, etc.


 Displays the full month name. For example, November. 
 Corresponding message bases are:  LONG_JAN_LBL, LONG_FEB_LBL, LONG_MAR_LBL, LONG_APR_LBL, etc.


 Displays the two-digit numeric day of the month. The first through ninth days of the month will be preceded by a zero (01-09).


 Displays the date as MM/DD/YY (same as %m/%d/%y).


 Displays hours in 24-hour format. For example, 1 PM = 13.


 Displays the hour in 12-hour format. For example, 5 PM=5.


 Displays the numeric day of the year. For example, April 7=97.


 Displays the month as a two-digit number. For example, November=11.


 Displays the minutes as a two-digit number.


 Inserts a carriage return.


 Displays the AM/PM indicator.
 Corresponding message bases are: COMMON_AM_LBL, COMMON_AM_LBL


 Displays the time as HH:MM:SS AM/PM (same as %I:%M:%S %p).


 Displays the time as HH:MM (same as %H:%M).


 Displays the seconds as a two-digit number.


 Inserts a tab character.


 Displays the time as HH:MM:SS (same as %H:%M:%S).


 Displays the last two digits of the year. For example, 2017=17.


 Displays the four-digit year. For example, 2017.


 Displays the hour offset for the time zone. For example, Mountain Standard Time = -0700.


 Displays the abbreviated time zone name. For example, Mountain Standard Time = MST.