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Displaying output and filter descriptions in a report
Answer ID 2346   |   Last Review Date 12/17/2018

How can I display the descriptions and report criteria when the report is generated?


Analytics, Run-time options


Staff who generate a report can add or remove descriptions based on their preferences.

The options available for displaying descriptions are listed below:

  • Do Not Display Descriptions: Select this option to remove output descriptions from the report.
  • Display Descriptions Inline: Select this option to show the output descriptions when rolling over the report columns that have the definitions defined.
  • Display Descriptions on Separate Tab: Select this option to show the output descriptions on a separate Description tab. The tab is automatically added to the report when you choose this option. 
  • Display Descriptions On Column Rollover: Select this option to show the output descriptions when rolling over the report columns that have definitions defined.

Descriptions for the search criteria are determined based on the configuration of the filters. Descriptions for either the report as a whole and descriptions for the output columns in the report must be added manually in the report. You can configure descriptions for output columns and selection criteria to display independently of one another.

To configure the descriptions to display by default:

  1. Edit the Report
  2. Select the Display tab
  3. Push the button marked Output Descriptions to display a list of options. To always display descriptions by default, choose "Display descriptions inline"

To add a description for the report level,

  1. Edit the report
  2. Click on the Level tab
  3. Click the edit button on the level tab
  4. Enter a description in the Description box provided in the Level Settings dialog.

View report definition: Staff can view the report definition, which provides and overall summary as to the tables, filters, output levels and output columns for the entire report. In addition, the report definition includes variables and data exceptions if they are configured in the report.

To view the report definition, click the Home tab and then click View button and select Data Set View.