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Adding and requiring incident dispositions
Answer ID 2022   |   Last Review Date 12/05/2018

How do I set up incident dispositions?


Incident Dispositions, Customizable Menus
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


You can configure incident dispositions for use in your Oracle B2C Service application. Dispositions allow you to categorize incidents internally as a means of identifying how incidents are handled and resolved. Dispositions do not appear on the end-user pages. Agents can set the disposition when editing an incident.

For example, you could have dispositions named: Public Answer Exists, Proposed as Answer, Customer Resolved, Agent Resolved, or Unreproducible Issue.

Note: The Disposition field only displays in an interface if there is at least one disposition value that is visible to the interface. If none of the dispositions are enabled for visibility, the field does not display in the incident record. The Disposition field must be included in the workspace used by your staff in order to display.

To add a disposition, use the steps below:

  1. Go to Configuration > Service > Products Categories Dispositions
  2. Select New from the ribbon
  3. Add any new or change any existing dispositions you want.
  4. Enable visibility for the interface where this disposition will be used.

Sub-dispositions: You can add sub-levels of dispositions to allow for greater granularity in classifying your incidents. Dispositions can contain up to six levels.

To add a sub-disposition, right click on a disposition listed in the left frame and select Add Incident Sub-Disposition. Then fill out the name, description, and visibility. You can also create the disposition and then drag and drop it on the parent disposition to create the subordinate relationship.

Deleting dispositions: If you delete a disposition, incidents associated with that disposition are set to Unspecified. In addition, if you delete a disposition, all sub-dispositions associated with it are deleted as well.

To delete an item, right click on the value and select Delete.

Please note, the 'Delete' option is not available for products, categories, or dispositions that have sub-levels. When deleting a product that has sub-products, for example, you must delete all of the sub-products first. You also cannot delete multiple products simultaneously.

Requiring Dispositions on Solved Incidents: 

You can make the Disposition field required for incidents with a Waiting or Solved status type.

Whether the disposition is required or not depends on the configuration of the workspace that is used by the staff member.  For the Disposition field, two properties indicate whether the Disposition field is required and under what conditions:

  • The Required (or RequiredOption) property allows you to specify if the disposition is required on new incidents, when an incident is edited, if it is always required or if it is never required.

  • The Required For Solved property allows you to have the Disposition field required if the incident is set to a Waiting or Solved status type. Enable this property (set to True) if you want to require a disposition for waiting and solved incidents.

    Note:  The "minimum level" property in the Incident Workspace controls how many disposition levels are required.

For additional information, refer to the 'Organizing information with products, categories, and dispositions' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.