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Setting up incident response requirements and holidays
Answer ID 1932   |   Last Review Date 02/29/2024

How do I set up default response requirements and holidays?


Service Level Agreements, Response Requirements


You can configure default response requirements and holidays to be used with all incidents submitted to your site. You can also set up separate response requirements and holiday schedules that are associated with service level agreements (SLAs) so that preferred customers that have the SLA have customized response requirements and/or holidays.

Oracle B2C Service uses the holidays and response requirements to determine a due date for each incident. The application also determines resolution times and compares the actual response and resolution times to the requirements.

If B2C Service Chat is enabled, you can define chat hours independently from the response requirements. The path to configure chat hours is:

Path: Configuration > Site Configuration > Interfaces > Chat Hours


To configure your default response requirements, you must first set up the holidays. To define holidays, use the steps below:

  1. From the Configuration items, select Service > Service Level Agreements > Holidays.
  2. On the ribbon, click on the "New" button to add a new Holiday.
  3. In the right frame, enter the name of the holiday and the date.
  4. Check the appropriate interface box to have the holiday included for the interface.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Add additional holidays as appropriate.

Note: For annual holidays, you must either add a holiday for each year or you must edit the existing holiday each year to update the current year. For example, it is not possible to configure Christmas to be December 25 for every year. You must set a specific year and then either edit the existing holiday or add another Christmas holiday for next year.

Note that holidays must be added for each year and for that reason we suggest using a naming convention like "4th of July 2012". We also suggest adding new holidays instead of modifying old ones as past holidays are used to calculate metrics.


Response Requirements

After you have added your holidays, you can configure your response requirements using the steps below:

  1. From the Configuration items, select Service > Service Level Agreements > Response Requirements. 
  2. In the left frame, right click on the interface name and edit the Response Requirement. 
  3. In the right frame, complete the following:

    Service Intervals: Click the New icon for each day and set the start and end times for which you provide support and respond to incidents. This defines the general work hours for your organization.

    Response Time (Minutes): Enter the maximum number of minutes allowed (based on the work hours defined) for agents to provide an initial response to an incident. For example, if an initial response must go out within 6 work hours, enter 360.

    Resolution Time (Minutes): Enter the number of minutes allowed (based on the work hours defined) for the agent to resolve an issue. For example, if incidents must be resolved within 16 work hours, enter 960.

    Holidays Observed: Select which holidays should suspend the default response requirements. That is, if the holiday is highlighted, the response requirements are not applied to that holiday. Use the CTRL key to select multiple holidays. 
  4. Click Save.

    Note: To delete a work interval, place the cursor in the row to delete and press the Delete icon ( Delete ).

Response Requirements for SLAs

If you define separate service level agreements (SLAs), you can define custom response requirements for each SLA. That is, for a certain SLA, you might have different response and resolution times or you might provide support on some holidays that you don't support for your general customer base.

Note: In order for the SLA response requirements to take affect on an incident, the incident must have the SLA applied to it. When the incident is open, the SLA field must be set to the appropriate SLA value in order for those response requirements to be in affect.

To define response requirements for an SLA, use the steps below:

  1. From the Configuration items, select Service > Service Level Agreements > Service Level Agreements.
  2. In the left frame, click on the SLA name to edit or for a new SLA, click the "New" button on the ribbon.
  3. In the Interface label section, click the Edit link in the Response Requirements column, a new window will pop up.
  4. Similar to defining the default requirements, configure the Intervals, Response Time, Resolution Time and Holiday Observed fields.
  5. Click OK in the pop-up window to save the response requirements.
  6. Click Save to save the SLA.


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