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Rules for Subscription Emails
Answer ID 12637   |   Last Review Date 05/26/2023

When are subscription emails received?

Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service
All versions
The subscription notification process has the following rules.
  • Both contact users and staff users can receive notifications for articles or content types that they have subscriptions for.
  • Out of the box contact users can make these changes in the customer portal by altering their subscription type and by adding and deleting subscriptions.
  • Staff users can make these same changes in the authoring interface.
  • Users can pick if they want to receive subscription emails immediately, every day, weekly or not at all.
Emails are sent when an article is published.
  • If content is published since last notifications were sent for that type of user  notification,  ie if the user is set to every day, then the batch job checked for published articles since the last daily batch job.
  • A subscription email is sent even if the article is in an archived (Unpublished, Expired, etc) state, but as per CONTENTHISTORY if it was PUBLISHED since last notifications were sent to the user.  This means that the link will not work in the CP to open the article.  In this case the author may want to put something in the title to indicate it was unpublished.