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KA users (Console and/or Web) subscription schedule statistics/information for reporting
Answer ID 12570   |   Last Review Date 02/28/2023

How/Where to get the KA users (Console and/or Web) subscription schedule information for reporting?


Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service


Currently the user (Console and Web) subscription schedule information is not exposed for KA Analytics reporting (ie, they are not available from KA-related Analytics tables okcs_xxxx).  The Authoring tool UI Users>Console(or Web) Users>Find page can provide such subscription schedule information for each user.  Note: It has Find limit of 500 max. 
Should you need to get all (>500) end-users (Console and Web Users) subscription schedule information for reporting, you can get it via the KA REST API calls (documentation) by looping-through ALL the active users to get their subscription schedule setting.  See the meaning of subscription schedule values returned from KA REST API calls below:

0 for Don't send emails
1 for Immediately (default)
2 for Once per day
3 for Every other day
4 for Once per week