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Knowledge Advanced report for User Subscriptions
Answer ID 12612   |   Last Review Date 04/21/2023

How do I create a report for user Subscriptions?


Knowledge Advanced for Oracle B2C Service 


There is no OOB (out of box) report for user subscriptions.  When CP users (contact users) or .NET and BUI users (account users) view an article in search results they can create a subscription to that article.  The subscription will send a notification when the article is updated.  The okcs_subscription table shows subscriptions for both CP users and .Net/BUI users.   But there is no indication for the users subscription type.

Limitation on Custom Analytics Reporting on the KA Subscriptions


A report can be created from the OOB okcs and Accounts and Contacts tables.  By using the outer joins you can show both types of users.  Here is an example report definition.





This report definition will produce a simple grid report of the subscriptions in the system.