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Description of chat events
Answer ID 10540   |   Last Review Date 10/31/2022

What are the chat events?


B2C Service Chat



Review the below table for a brief description of chat events within B2C Service Chat:
Event ID Event Name Description
1 Agent Post Occurs when the agent sends a response in the chat
2 End-User Post Occurs when the end-user sends a response in the chat
3 Agent Pushed URL This is an event previously used with RightNow Live. Within the older chat architecture this event would fire if an standard text was sent using an html value
4 Agent Absent Occurs when the agent client loses connection to the chat server for a time period greater than the value stored in ABSENT_INTERVAL
5 Agent Present Occurs when the agent client is marked absent and re-establishes connection to the chat server before it disconnects them. The chat server will disconnect the agent if connection has not been re-established by a time value equal to (ABSENT_INTERVAL * AGENT_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
6 End-User Absent Occurs when the end-user client loses connection to the chat server for a time period greater than the value stored in ABSENT_INTERVAL
7 End-User Present Occurs when the end-user client is marked absent and re-establishes connection to the chat server before it disconnects them. The chat server will disconnect the end-user if connection has not been re-established by a time value equal to (ABSENT_INTERVAL * USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
8 Agent Engagement Invitation Occurs when the agent first receives the toast notification of the chat server is attempting to assign a chat to them.
9 Agent Transfer Invitation Occurs when the agent sends out a chat transfer invitation to another agent
10 Agent Conference Invitation Occurs when the agent sends out a chat conference invitation to another agent
11 Agent Engagement Accepted Occurs when the agent clicks the "Accept" button on the toast notification
12 Agent Engagement Declined Occurs when the agent clicks the "Decline" button on the toast notification. This feature is only available with 8.8 and newer releases. The feature must also be enabled at the agent profile level.
13 Agent Engagement Timeout Occurs when the chat server attempts to assign a chat to an agent but does not receive a confirmation of acceptance from the agent client. The chat will then go back into queue and assigned to the next available agent.
14 Agent Engagement Unavailable Occurs when the chat server attempts to assign a chat to an agent but the agent client returns an unavailable status. This could be due to the agent not having any open idle sessions or because the agent is has made themselves unavailable using an associated chat status
15 Agent Transfer Accepted Occurs when the agent who received the chat transfer invitation accepts the transfer
16 Agent Transfer Declined Occurs when the agent who received the chat transfer invitation declines the transfer
17 Agent Transfer Canceled Occurs when the agent who sent the chat transfer invitation cancels the invitation already in progress
18 Agent Transfer Unavailable Occurs when a chat transfer invitation is sent to an agent but the receiving agent client returns an unavailable status.
19 Agent Conference Accepted Occurs when the agent who receives the chat conference invitation accepts the conference
20 Agent Conference Declined Occurs when the agent who receives the chat conference invitation declines the conference
21 Agent Conference Canceled Occurs when the agent who sent the chat conference invitation cancels the invitation already in progress
22 Agent Conference Unavailable Occurs when a chat conference invitation is sent to an agent but the receiving agent client returns an unavailable status.
23 Engagement Participant Entered Occurs when the agent officially engages in the chat. This event will fire when an agent is assigned a chat and the transcript populates the agent screen. It will also occur when an agent enters a chat through a conference or transfer. The timestamp associated to the first occurs of this event will match the chats.first_engaged timestamp
24 Engagement Participant Left Occurs when an agent disengages from a chat conference. This event will also fire when an agent leaves a chat due to being transferred to another agent.
25 Agent Role Change Occurs during a chat conference session when the agents switch "lead" status. For example the lead agent will switch to the supporting agent and the supporting agent will switch to the lead agent.
26 Chat Created Occurs when the chat server first receives the chat request from end-user initiating a chat request. The timestamp associated to this event will be the same as the chats.requested timestamp
27 Chat Released Occurs when the chat is released from the chat server. When this event fires the agent will gain back their idle session used for the chat. The timestamp associated to this event will be the same as the chats.completed timestamp
28 Chat Canceled Occurs if an end-user cancels a chat while waiting in queue. This can occur when the end-user is initially waiting to be engaged or if an agent transfers the chat back to queue and the end-user cancels the chat
29 Agent Disconnected Occurs when the agent client is disconnected from the chat after being marked absent. To fire this event the agent must lose connection for a time value greater than (ABSENT_INTERVAL * USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
30 Agent Lost Occurs when the chat server marks the agent as lost due to network communication problems. The agent will be marked lost if connection is not re-established during a time value greater than (ABSENT_INTERVAL * USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
31 User Disconnected from a Chat Occurs when the end-user client is disconnected from the chat after being marked absent. To fire this event the enduser must lose connection for a time value greater than (ABSENT_INTERVAL * USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
32 User Lost Occurs when the chat server marks the end-user as lost due to network communication problems. The end-user will be marked lost if connection is not re-established during a time value greater than (ABSENT_INTERVAL * USER_ABSENT_RETRY_COUNT)
33 Agent Engagement Auto Accepted Occurs when the agent lets the toast notification expire without manually accepting or declining the chat. To fire this event the agent must have the "Auto Decline" checkbox disabled at the profile level
34 Agent Engagement Auto Declined Occurs when the agent lets the toast notification expire without manually accepting or declining the chat. To fire this event the agent must have the "Auto Decline" checkbox enabled at the profile level
35 Co-Browse Invitation Sent Occurs when the agent sends an Co-Browse invitation to the end-user.
36 Co-Browse Invitation Accepted Occurs when the end-user accepts the Co-Browse invitation sent by the agent.
37 Co-Browse Invitation Declined Occurs when the end-user declines the Co-Browse invitation sent by the agent.
38 File Attachment Received Occurs when the end-user uploads a file attachment through a chat session. The configuration CHAT_FILEATACHE_CMD must be enabled to allow the enduser to upload a file attachment
39 Chat Disconnected Due to Idle End-User Occurs when the chat is remain in an idle state for a time value greater than the value stored in CS_IDLE_TIMEOUT configuration. A chat enters an idle state if no activity is seen on the enduser or agent side.
40 Co-Browse Session Started Occurs when the Co-Browse session starts and the agent is able to view the end-users screen
41 Co-Browse Session Stopped Occurs when the Co-Browse session concludes and the agent is no longer able to view the end-users screen
42 Co-Browse Session Error Occurs if an error is encountered during the Co-Browse session
43 Agent Accepted Occurs when the agent manually accepts a chat by pressing "Accept" on the toast notification that is offered
44 End-User Disconnected Occurs at the time the customer leaves the chat. This can be due to the End-user ending the chat, the Agent ending the chat, or the Server ending the chat
45 Monitor Begin Occurs when a supervisor starts monitoring a chat
46 Monitor End Occurs when a supervisor stops monitoring a chat
47 Transferred to Queue Occurs if an agent completes an Agent to Queue transfer
48 Lead Session Start Occurs when the lead chat session begins. The lead session is the one assigned to the lead agent assigned to the chat. Examples of non-lead sessions are sessions involving agents who are not lead agents such as a Supervisor who is monitoring the chat or an agent who has been conferenced into an existing chat session.
49 Lead Session End Occurs when the lead chat session ends. The lead session is the one assigned to the lead agent assigned to the chat. Examples of non-lead sessions are sessions involving agents who are not lead agents such as a Supervisor who is monitoring the chat or an agent who has been conferenced into an existing chat session. The lead session can end when the lead agent or end user concludes the chat. 
50 Agent client Reset Occurs if the Chat Server receives an update from the Agent client while the Server believes the client has lost connection to the Server
51 End-user Client Reset Occurs if the Chat Server receives an update from the End-user client while the Server believes the client has lost connection to the Server

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