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Knowledge Base (9)

  1. Answer: Environment:   Business Rules, Standard Text Response Messaging Upgrade from May 2011 and prior Resolution: The incident thread control previously available for incident workspaces has been...
  2. Answer: Environment: Analytics, Charts Oracle B2C Service Resolution: You can include charts with custom reports, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and area charts. For most chart types, you...
  3. Answer: Environment :  Customization, ROQL Issue: I have a customization in place that is utilizing ROQL and when replication is behind, it affects the performance of this customization.  Why is...
  4. Answer: Environment: Customer Portal Resolution: Customer Portal pages within the Development directory can all be replaced with the corresponding OOTB (out of the box) files within the RightNow...
  5. Answer: Environment: RightNow Object Query Language (ROQL) blocklisting Oracle B2C Service, August 2011 and newer Resolution: New to the August 2011 release, ROQL will be able to identify and blocklist bad...
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