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Resetting Customer Portal to default pages
Answer ID 4058   |   Last Review Date 11/13/2018

How can I reset my Customer Portal pages to their default?


Customer Portal


Customer Portal pages within the Development directory can all be replaced with the corresponding OOTB (out of the box) files within the RightNow directory.  As all folders within the RightNow directory are read-only, these out-of-the-box default pages will always serve as core backups for setting your customized pages back to a non-customized state within the Development folder.

Why is this useful?

  • Custom code may not work correctly.
                -Restoring a page to the defaults can help in the debugging process.
  • Redesigning end-user pages.
                -Many developers require a 'fresh' start to simplify code.
  • Custom Widgets may not work as designed.
                - Replacing your custom widget with a standard widget often fixes the issue.

For example, to reset your 'ask.php' page to the default Ask a Question page with standard RightNow templates, widgets, look and feel.

  1. Set up a WebDAV connection.  For instructions on setting up WebDAV, see the following:

    Answer ID 2600: Configuring WebDAV connectin to access Customer Portal

  2. Within the WebDAV client, copy the ask.php file within the euf/rightnow/views/pages directory.

  3. Paste this file into the following directory to replace the existing 'ask.php' file.

For CP version 2: 'euf/development/views/pages'

For CP version 3: 'cp/core/framework/views'

The above change will be immediately visible within the Development area of Customer Portal administration pages, found at http://[interface_name]

Customer Portal Administration page

The next time Customer Portal is deployed, the ask.php page on the end user pages will now display the standard Oracle B2C Service Ask a Question page on the Production pages.

Standard Ask a Question page

The above process can be repeated for the answers/list.php page, home.php, and all other pages within the Development/RightNow folders.

Note: Any changes made to files within the Assets, CodeIgniter, and other folders outside of the Development folder are NOT able to be reset to the defaults, as no backup for these files is contained within the RightNow directory.  This would include changes to css, announcements, images, etc. For example, a page may be reset to the default page, but if the css which the page calls was edited, the page may still reflect the old look and feel. If you require these files (Images/CSS/Other/Themes) to also be reset to default, please submit a request to Technical Support, to have the current OOTB files for your CP version provided to you per your request.

Other actions exist which affect both the Production and Development pages, such as configuration settings, custom reports, and more which must be considered- these are outlined in the following answer: Answer ID 2576: Actions that affect both the production and development pages in Customer Portal .

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