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Knowledge Base (12)

  1. Answer: Environment: Cobrowse all versions and environments Resolution: All versions of Cobrowse are deprecated as of December 8th 2022. Cobrowse is "End of Life" as of December 2023. The Cobrowse “end of...
  2. Answer: Environment: Customer Portal Single Sign On Resolution: Customer Portal SSO only supports identity provider (IDP) initiated SSO. The following topics should be taken into consideration when setting...
  3. Updated Answer: Environment:  Customer Portal Single Sign-On Issue: Users always land on Customer Portal home page after SSO authentication. We want the users to be redirected to the original page they...
  4. Answer: Environment: Configuration Assistant, Resolution: If a bookmark is generated from the configuration assistant login page, this URL cannot be used in the future and will generate...
  5. Answer: Environment: Analytics Oracle B2C Service, All versions Resolution: The reports listed below include different values for the number of incidents created on a specific day. This is due to the nature...
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