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Knowledge Base (1)

  1. Answer: Today's pick is a heist movie 'classic'. 'Ocean's Eleven' tells the story of Danny Ocean (George Clooney), a wry, charismatic thief, who in less than 24 hours into his parole from a New Jersey...
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Documentation (46)

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    What's new in Intelligent Advisor? November 2022 (Release 22D ) Heading navigation for web-based rules (Monthly Update 2) A Last Updated: 06/16/2024
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    Examples: Start an interview with entity level data this JSON is: %7B% 22children % 22 %3A%5B%7B% 22child_name % 22 %3A% 22alfred % 22 %7D%2C%7B% 22child_name % 22 %3A Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Examples: Start an interview with global data ": "John Smith"} The URL encoding for this JSON is: %7B% 22name % 22 %3A%20% 22John %20Smith% 22 %7D In a Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Custom control parameter reference ;/session-data> opa-session=%3C%3Fxml+version%3D%221.0% 22 +%3F%3E%3Csession-data+xmlns%3D% 22http %3A%2F Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Develop a custom control handler % 22myFirstKey % 22 %3EmyFirstValue%3C%2Fproperty%3E%3Cproperty+key%3D% 22mySecondKey % 22 %3EmySecondValue Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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