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Knowledge Base (184)

  1. Answer: Environment: Analytics, Clickstreams database table Oracle B2C Service Resolution: Here is a sample clickstreams session as it would be presented in a report.          ...
  2. Answer: Environment: Analytics Resolution: When creating custom reports, you can define functions of the data to use in a filter or to display in the output column. This allows users to customize both the...
  3. Answer: Environment: Incident Performance, inc_performance: Resolution: Note: The intervals are computed by the agedatabase utility. As a result, today's activity will not be available until tomorrow when...
  4. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, Product listing Customer Portal, Clickstreams, Customer Session Information Resolution: Site activity can be viewed from the Oracle B2C Service Support portal after...
  5. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, WebDAV, Cyberduck, Customer Portal Resolution: Please see the Oracle B2C Service infrastructure requirements for WebDAV applications supported with your...
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Documentation (385)

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    Preview a Segment preview the segment to see a list of up to 1, 000 contacts. Welcome to the Oracle B2C Service Last Updated: 09/09/2022
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    Preview a Segment preview the segment to see a list of up to 1, 000 contacts. Welcome to the Oracle B2C Service Last Updated: 02/22/2024
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    Manually migrate a version 10.3 or earlier project to the current version of Policy Modeling Modeling 10 .x and then: Open each Word *.doc file and click the Strip Hidden button on the Oracle Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Examples of control restyling LVR that is greater than 90, and a light blue background when the LVR is 90 or less: Example 10 Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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    Choose Boolean attribute text substitution in some relevant supported languages . 10 . Boolean attributes should indicate entity Last Updated: 05/22/2024
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