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Knowledge Base (150)

  1. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, Administration Console, Error Log Resolution: Error Log If a report fails when it is being executed, or after being queued, an error message will be displayed. You...
  2. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, Product listing Connect for PHP (CPHP) API Resolution: Use latest framework version Using the latest CPHP framework version is recommended for all new customizations...
  3. Answer:     Environment: Oracle B2C Service, techmail Resolution: There are various reasons why an incoming email message could be filtered by techmail.  The Incoming Email Filter Details...
  4. Answer: Environment: SOAP API Resolution: A common mistake in SOAP requests is made when attempting to remove information from a field. For example let's take the following SOAP envelope excerpt...
  5. Answer: Environment: Analytics, Logical functions Oracle B2C Service Resolution: The analytics if() function allows you to compare data, and depending on the results, display different data in the...
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Documentation (9830)

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    Customer Portal elements  0 JS Documentation Namespaces RightNow ActionCapture Ajax Chat Event Last Updated: 10/23/2018
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    Customer Portal » \RightNow\Models\SitemapBase from 0 to 1) for social questions/discussions. MAX_LIMIT_PRIORITY_DISCUSSIONS Start point for range Last Updated: 10/23/2018
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    Customer Portal » \RightNow\Models\QuestionsSitemap of priority scale (generally from 0 to 1) for social questions/discussions Last Updated: 10/23/2018
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    Customer Portal » \RightNow\Models\AnswersSitemap (generally from 0 to 1) for social questions/discussions. MAX_LIMIT_PRIORITY_DISCUSSIONS Start Last Updated: 10/23/2018
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    Specify the Default Number of Blank Entity Instances collect the default number of blank instances is set to 0 . You can change this to a different static Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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