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Knowledge Base (15)

  1. Answer: Environment: System Requirements Oracle B2C Service, All support versions Resolution: Proper configuration and maintenance of your environment is crucial to your success.  Critical...
  2. Answer: Environment: Analytics, Clickstreams database table Oracle B2C Service Resolution: Here is a sample clickstreams session as it would be presented in a report.          ...
  3. Answer: Environment: Clickstreams Action ID Resolution: Important! 1. The clickstream action ID's are defined by a separate table called cs_actions and are different for every customer (except for action_id...
  4. Answer: This document outlines supported browser specifications for customers using the customer portal pages provided in the release of Oracle B2C Service. For agent workstation specifications, including...
  5. Answer: Environment:    Chat, End-user Pages Issue: Out of a fairly low volume of chats taken daily, many have a termination_event of 4 'End-user was Lost'. Resolution: This is generally seen when...
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Documentation (57)

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    IAInputValue | Oracle Intelligent Advisor Flows SDK version 23.3.0 IAInputControl . Settings Member Visibility Protected Private Inherited External Theme OS Light Last Updated: 12/05/2024
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    IAControl | Oracle Intelligent Advisor Flows SDK version 23.3.0 Protected Private Inherited External Theme OS Light Dark Oracle Intelligent Advisor Flows SDK Last Updated: 12/05/2024
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    Biblioteca de Documentação do Intelligent Advisor Definições Terminar sessão Filtro: Todos os ficheiros Enviar pesquisa Biblioteca de Documentação do Last Updated: 04/30/2024
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    IAInputControlStyle | Oracle Intelligent Advisor Flows SDK version 23.3.0 . Since 23.0.0 Settings Member Visibility Protected Private Inherited External Theme OS Last Updated: 11/25/2024
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    IAInputDataType | Oracle Intelligent Advisor Flows SDK version 23.3.0 Member Visibility Protected Private Inherited External Theme OS Light Dark Oracle Intelligent Last Updated: 12/05/2024
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