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Auto Update Program Preferences
Answer ID 9982   |   Last Review Date 06/15/2021

How do preferences customize my update experience?


Oracle B2C Service


The Oracle B2C Service Auto Update Program is controlled by a number of site preferences. Customers can modify the following preferences in Configuration Assistant:

You can find out your Configuration Assistant URL via the Site Info page.

Once you're authenticated, you click on the three dots next to the site you want to manage, and select Manage My Update

Then click on Update Preferences

1. Update Versions

Oracle B2C Service version updates are released on a quarterly basis:

  • A release - February
  • B release - May
  • C release - August
  • D release - November

Customers can opt into 1-4 versions on an annual recurring basis. This preference can only be edited if the production site is on a version that is less than a year old.

Please note - customers must update a minimum of once per year.  Version updates can only be skipped if a customer has selected more than one version update per year.

By default, all sites will be updated four times per year.


2. Upgrade Site Creation Date

The upgrade site creation date preference is specified as the day of the week and the number of weeks after a version becomes Generally Available. 

The new version release week is week 0. Customers who wish to update after the Maintenance Pack 1 becomes available should select 7 weeks or greater.


3. Cutover

The cutover date preference is set as the number of days after the start of upgrade site creation. The AUP system automatically selects a free time slot for production site cutovers based on this preference. For example, if this is set as 14 days and the upgrade site creation date is the 1st of January, a free time slot on the 15th of January (or nearest available date) will be selected as the production site cutover date. Customers can modify the cutover date and time after upgrade site creation completes by logging into Configuration Assistant.

The Utility Delay defines the number of hours delay before utilities are enabled after cutover. For more details about the Utility Delay, please refer to the following answer:

Answer 8161: Delaying utilities after an update

File Sync copies files from the production site to the upgrade site 8 hours before the cutover, so changes made in the production environment are not lost when the upgrade site file system goes live during the cutover. For more details about File Sync, please refer to the following answer:

Answer 9638: File Sync for Oracle B2C Service Update


4. Other

Oracle B2C Service update related communications are currently available in English and Japanese. Changing the language setting will modify the language used in the automated e-mails sent from Oracle B2C Service update incidents. 

Available Languages for this Answer:

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