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Form submission failed error while taking survey
Answer ID 9962   |   Last Review Date 03/11/2019

Why are users receiving an error stating the form submission token either did not match or has expired?


Oracle B2C Service Feedback


A security check was implemented to validate survey and document form submissions against a valid token issued at the start of the session. As a result, depending on how long a user may spend taking a survey, you may need to adjust the session timeout period for your site via the VISIT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT and VISIT_MAX_TIME configuration settings to extend the token's validity.

VISIT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT defines the period of inactivity (in minutes) after which a visit to Customer Portal will expire.

If the session times out, then you will receive the form submission error when attempting to submit or navigate the survey pages.

Defines the period of inactivity (in minutes) after which a visit to Customer Portal will expire.
A new session will be generated under following conditions:
- The visitor is inactive for longer than VISIT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT minutes,
- The hard limit defined by VISIT_MAX_TIME is hit,
- The browser is closed,
- A visitor's browser does not have support for cookies and the visitor navigates away from Customer Portal.
The minimum value is 15. Default is 30.

Defines a hard limit for the length (in minutes) after which a visit to Customer Portal will expire. A visit is used to group together the series of activities by a particular visitor to the Customer Portal pages. If a visit extends past the VISIT_MAX_TIME setting, a new visit and corresponding session ID will be generated.
The maximum allowed value for this field is 720 minutes (12 hours). The minimum allowed value for this field is 15 minutes. Default is 240 minutes.

Path to setting(s): Select Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

For more information on accessing the Configuration Editor and editing settings, refer to Answer ID 1960: Editing Configuration Settings.