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Using Data Lists as part of content in Knowledge Advanced
Answer ID 9848   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

When I use a Data List object for any content type, what will I see displayed?


Oracle B2C Service Knowledge Advanced
Customer Portal


I am unable to see the Value field for my Data List objects, and instead the Display String is displayed for both Authoring and Customer Portal.


For Knowledge Advanced Authoring using Data List objects, the Display String is the only externally visible field.  The Value field is used internally and GUID is used to indicate a Data List entry with the REST API.  i.e. If we pass a valid GUID and invalid Display String and Value using the REST API, then the software will replace the invalid Display String and Value with correct Display String and Value matching the valid GUID.


The Online Help documentation is available from Answer ID 8156: Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Knowledge Advanced

For more information on Authoring, see About Knowledge Advanced Authoring.

For more information on Data Lists and the REST API, see REST API for Oracle B2C Service Knowledge Advanced Data Lists