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Using "Map Network Drive" in Windows 7
Answer ID 9829   |   Last Review Date 09/16/2019

Is it possible to use the "map network drive" functionality in Windows 7 to establish a WebDAV connection to the Customer Portal?


WebDAV, Windows 7, TLS Protocol
Oracle B2C Service, all supported versions


Unable to establish a WebDAV connection to the customer portal using the "Map Network Drive" functionality in Windows 7.


In general, after the deprecation of the ​TLS 1.0 protocol​, it was not possible to use "Map Network Drive" on a Windows 7 machine as the default Network Drive mapping relies on TLS 1.0 authentications, with this workaround you will be able to access the same data as you did prior to the deprecation. In any event with the application of Microsoft patch KB3140245, all of your "Map Network Drive" type actions will use TLS 1.1 or 1.2 authentication to establish connection. As far as another solution, administrators would have to use a dedicated WebDAV tool like Cyberduck that supports the newer and more secure TLS versions or upgrade to Windows 10, where the "Map Network Drive" functionality does not use TLS 1.0.


Note: This is a Windows issue, as it uses TLS 1.0 when establishing a WebDAV connection to any site, not just Oracle B2C Service sites. Investigating or troubleshooting this particular issue would have to be done through the Microsoft support channels.

Additional information on configuring a WebDAV connection using Cyberduck can be found in Answer ID 2600: Configuring WebDAV connection to access the Customer Portal.