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Incident Field: Last Survey Score
Answer ID 9642   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Can I view the last survey score that was collected for a particular opportunity or incident?


Workspaces, Surveys
Outreach, Feedback


It is possible to add the Last Survey Score field to an incident or opportunity workspace so users can view the last survey score given for that record.  Below are steps that can be used to set this up.

1. Create an incident rule that will send a survey (Site Configuration -> Rules -> Incident).
(see Creating rules for transactional surveys)

Example Rule: 
- Add an "Add If Condition Based On" Field: Incident.Previous Status Operator: not equals Value: Solved
- Add an "Add If Condition Based On" Field: Incident.Status Operator: equals Value: Solved
- Add an "Add Action Then" and choose Email -> Send Transaction Survey. Choose a survey to send.
- Save and activate the rule

2. Add the Last Survey Score field to the incident workspace if it hasn't already been added.
(see Including fields in a workspace)

To Test:
3. Create a new incident for a contact you have access to receive email for.

4. Save the incident in an Unresolved status.

5. Change the status of the incident from Unresolved to Solved.

6. Save and close the status change. This should send an email to the contact.

7. Take the survey.

Confirm Results:
8. Re-Open the incident and view the Last Survey Score field.


- If the incident does not have a "last survey", the field will show [No Value] and be read-only.

- If the incident does have a "last survey", the score will be shown with a 'View Survey Results' link.

For additional information, refer to the 'Create a transactional survey' section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

See also, Answer ID 2506: Configuring transactional surveys.