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Make document not editable
Answer ID 9491   |   Last Review Date 01/14/2019

How do I make my web page document not editable?


Oracle B2C Service Feedback
Oracle B2C Service Outreach


This has been observed in a web page document, served via a campaign, though it could appear elsewhere.  In that instance, the document was only editable when viewed in Firefox, not in Internet Explorer or Chrome, though other instances could be different.


1.  Open the document, and view it's source code.  Locate the following tag:

<rn:content contenteditable="true">

2.  Change the contenteditable attribute to false.  The tag should now look like this:

<rn:content contenteditable="false">

3.  Save and preview the document.  Test it in production as well.  The document should no longer appear as editable when viewed in the browser.