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Assistance Request Denied - It is necessary to have a contract to request personal assistance.
Answer ID 9455   |   Last Review Date 03/18/2019

Why am I receiving "It is necessary to have a contract to request personal assistance" email?


Message Templates, Emails, Configuration Settings


Some of our customers cannot submit a service request and in return they are receiving an email with "It is necessary to have a contract to request personal assistance", however, it is not mandatory for our customers to have a contract in order to contact us.


In specific Message Templates such as ‘Security’ and ‘Request Error’ type Contact Emails the ‘Error Message’ merge field is available for use. When the merge field is included, the product code will query a specific message base and the content of that message base will be displayed. Depending on the Message template, different message bases will be queried.

To identify the Message Template responsible for this email, please navigate to Configuration > Site Configuration > Message Templates:

1. Click the Interface
2. On the ribbon, click Contact E-mails and expand the section for "Request Errors"
4. Click Edit for the "Assistance Request Denied" message template

For this specific situation, the "Error message" merge field is applying the following message: "It is necessary to have a contract to request personal assistance." controlled by MSG_TEMPL_CONTRACT_REQD_HTML_MSG message base.


This email is being sent out to customers because there is no SLA assigned to their contact/organization record as a result of having the SLA_SUBMIT_EMAIL configuration setting enabled.

SLA_SUBMIT_EMAIL - If enabled, a valid, active SLA must exist for contacts and organizations to send emails to Oracle B2C Service

In order to make changes to the SLA_SUBMIT_EMAIL configuration setting, navigate to Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings > and search by Key.

In order to change the content of the email controlled by the MSG_TEMPL_CONTRACT_REQD_HTML_MSG message base, navigate to Configuration from the navigation area > Site Configuration > Message Basses > and search by Key.


Below is a list of the type of message and what the associated message base is:


If account is disabled, it takes the value of - MSG_TEMPL_ACCOUNT_DISABLED_HTML_MSG

An account is required, but the person does not have one, it takes the value of - MSG_TEMPL_NOT_REG_EMAIL_MSG

Filtering out messages that are replies from BCC, it takes the value of - MSG_TEMPL_REQ_ASST_ACCD_INCLUDED_BCC_MSG

For other scenarios related to "Assistance Request Denied" emails please check: Answer ID 6937: Assistance Request Denied email sent to customer