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Setting the File name for the Print Message Templates
Answer ID 9235   |   Last Review Date 09/18/2019

How do you specify which details are used to set the file name when saving a record as a webpage from the Print dialogue?


Print Message Templates, Oracle B2C Service


The Print option for records such as answers, incidents, contacts, etc. allows you to Save the record as a webpage, by clicking Save As in the Print Dialogue. We want the name of the saved file to be the same as, for example, the Summary field of the Answer, instead of a random string of characters, such as 24d23592-6fc7-4407-856a-f61224646075.htm


The filename is the title of the HTML document. To set the title, you will need to edit the print message templates and add the Summary merge field to the title tag, in the Source of the HTML content. The title tag is usually empty and is set through the Global message template, so in order to edit the title for your print message templates, you will want to make sure that the Global message template is not applied to these templates. The Global template is applied or removed by clicking the Template button on the ribbon when you are editing a message template.

The specific Print message template can be modified using the steps below:

    1.  From the Navigation pane, go to Configuration -> Site Configuration -> Message Templates
    2.  Select the interface you wish to edit and click on "Print Pages" on the ribbon
    3.  Expand the "Print" section
    4.  Click 'Edit' for the Answer Print message type (or another type such as Incident)
    5.  Go to the Source view
    6.  Click the Template button on the ribbon to remove the Global template from this message template - you will notice a DOCTYPE declaration at the beginning of the document when the Global template is not applied
    7.  Place the cursor between the title tags:  < title >  </ title >
    8.  Click Merge field, expand the Fields for the object you are using, select the Summary field for example if this for the Answer type and click OK
    9.  Click Save and then OK
   10.  Back on the Interface Print Pages, on the far right of the message you made the edit to, click Deploy
   11.  Give it a couple minutes and then click Save and Close in the primary Message Templates editor

See also the below related answers:

Answer ID 5491: Message Templates and Viewable answer content from the console 

Answer ID 5380: Customizing notifications and email messages sent by Oracle B2C Service.

For additional information, refer to the Message Templates Overview section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.