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Recent changes to smartsense.txt file are not impacting the current SmartSense score
Answer ID 9144   |   Last Review Date 10/22/2018

Why are the new words added to the smartsense.txt file not being applied to the overall Customer SmartSense score?


Word List Files, SmartSense
Oracle B2C Service, All versions


Ensure that all new lines added to the base "SmartSense.txt" file follow the criteria below. When making large scale modifications to the file, it is recommended to test this on a test site where you can see changes without impact to your production site. Following this guide will ensure Smart Sense works as you expect for giving an accurate rating (-3 to +3) for your customers or agents.

If you are importing this list from an external source you need to ensure you have the correct formatting present. This includes:

  • Word ratings (between +10 and -10)
  • Each word and its rating must be separated by a tab
  • Entries should be single words only
  • Entries must also be separated by a carriage return

    Example list might be:
    ANGRY     -10
    MAD           -8
    UNHAPPY  -5

Although the spacing may appear as a tab, depending on the external source, your list may have utilized space characters.  Check your entries to ensure they using a tab and not spacing between the word and the rating.

For additional information, refer to the About SmartSense section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.