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Display timestamp in a chat session
Answer ID 9133   |   Last Review Date 12/23/2018

Is it possible to display the timestamp in a chat session on the end user side?


Chat Configuration
B2C Service Chat


End user is unable to see timestamp in a chat session on their side.


Please be informed that configuring timestamp on an end user chat session is not available in the standard product.

There is however, a configuration setting TIMESTAMP_ENABLE, below is the definition.

TIMESTAMP_ENABLE - If enabled, a time stamp will be added to each individual line of a chat.  The time stamp will be the amount of time, in seconds, that has passed since the chat began.  Default is enabled (Yes).

Once enabled the above configuration setting will only show the amount of time in seconds, on each line of a chat, that has passed since the chat began on the agent console. End user does not have the ability to see the date and time on their side.