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What is Techmail On Demand?
Answer ID 8745   |   Last Review Date 09/13/2024

What is Techmail-O?


Oracle B2C Service, Utilities, Techmail


Techmail retrieves email from your configured outreach (techmail-M) or service mailboxes (techmail-S or techmail-O) to create new incidents or update existing incidents depending on your site configuration. Techmail-O ('On Demand') allows messages to be processed as they come into the mailbox, within a few seconds of arrival. This feature is only available for Oracle hosted service mailboxes and although messages can be processed near real time once they enter the mailbox, this does not affect the route or timing between mail servers. 

For more information about using support channels to satisfy a short response time please review Answer ID 5470: Using support channels to satisfy a short response time.


  • The On Demand functionality is currently not available for customers on the PI or AG pods even if Oracle hosted service mailboxes are configured.
  • The pop_account value in the mailboxes table must be the full name (e.g., with the domain. If the pop_account does not include the domain, then techmail-O will not work at all.

Should you choose to use your own mail servers, techmail-S will still process those mailboxes on a 15 minute run-time schedule.