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Published report warning message
Answer ID 8609   |   Last Review Date 07/08/2019

Why does the published report send a warning message about another session changing the definition?


Published Reports and Published Dashboards
Analytics / Reports
Oracle B2C Service, all versions 


When opening a published dashboard, I receive the warning message:

Another session has changed the report definition. The control will now reset.


This can occur when the auto-refresh option is enabled within the report or dashboard.  To resolve this, perform the following actions:

  1.  Locate the parent report/dashboard from where the published report/dashboard is generated.
  2. Right-click on the report/dashboard and open it in edit mode.
  3. From the Home ribbon, click Options and then More Options
  4. Uncheck options under 'Automatically refresh dashboard at regular interval' and click OK
  5. Save the changes
  6. Check published reports/dashboards (published after the change was saved) and you will notice the warning message no longer appears.