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Force logout of staff account
Answer ID 8445   |   Last Review Date 03/30/2020

How can I log out an agent that is still logged into the CX console?


Staff Accounts, Logged In Staff Accounts


One of our agents is currently logged in and has left for an extended period of time.  We want to log out this account so it does not affect our metrics.


There is an option to force logout a staff account.  You need to have administrator privileges.  Open the "Logged In Staff Accounts" report (ID 13006) and from there you can use the "Force logout" option. Below are steps to do this:

  1. Go to "Reports Explorer" >  search for report ID 13006 or by name "Logged In Staff Accounts"
  2. Open the report 
  3. Highlight the agent you want to log out
  4. Select the 'Force Logout' button in the ribbon or right click to see the same option

In addition to manually logging out agents, it is also possibly to automatically logout inactive sessions.  For more information on this option, please see Desktop Usage Administration.

For additional information, refer to the 'Manually log out a staff member section in the Online Help User Guide documentation. To access Oracle B2C Service manuals and documentation online, refer to the Documentation for Oracle B2C Service Products.

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