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Understanding Chat Permissions: Chat Queue Pull Policy
Answer ID 8179   |   Last Review Date 12/12/2018

I am trying to set-up Chat Permissions on a Profile, what is the Chat Queue Pull Policy?


Chat, Profile Permissions


When creating a Profile for Chat Agents, an Administrator must determine how each chat queue is prioritized for the Profile, which ultimately affects how the chat sessions are routed to agents. When configuring the Chat Queue Pull Policy there are two options available: Strict Priority and First Due.

The path to this is:
Configuration > Staff Management > open profile for edit > Select Permissions from top ribbon > Service tab > Chat Agent Permissions

First Due considers all chats waiting in all queues assigned to the profile and then distributes the chats based on the longest wait time, regardless of the queue. Queue ranking will not affect the order in which chats are distributed. Essentially, First Due evaluates all chats waiting in all queues and looks for the chat session that has been waiting the longest.

First Due Example:

  • There are two chat queues, Queue 1 and Queue 2.
  • Chat A enters Queue 1 at 8:10.
  • Chat B enters Queue 2 at 8:05.
  • When First Due is enabled, Chat B is distributed first because it entered the system before Chat A.
  • Likewise, if Chat A enters Queue 2 at 8:10 and Chat B enters Queue 1 at 8:05, then Chat B is distributed first because the queues are treated equally.

Strict Priority considers queue ranking and distributes chats based on the order in which the queues are ranked on the Profile. Essentially, Strict Priority assesses the order of the queues on the Profile, and then distributes the longest waiting chats in the prioritized queue first.

Strict Priority Example:

  • There are two chat queues, Queue 1 is ranked first & Queue 2 is ranked second.
  • Chat A enters Queue 1 at 08:00.
  • Chat B enters Queue 2 at 08:00.
  • When Strict Priority is enabled Chat A is distributed first because it entered Queue 1 and Queue 1 is prioritized higher than Queue 2.

Additional Notes:

-  Be warned that using Strict Priority can lead to chat queue starvation unless you've properly configured chat routing rules and chat agent profiles in a way that prevents chat queue starvation.

-  There are several Profile Permissions that affect chat routing. For more information on Chat Routing, please see Answer ID 1174: Routing chat requests to agents.

-  The Pull Chat Mode for chat sessions and the Chat Queue Pull Policy are different. For more information on the Pull Chat Mode, please see Answer ID 8178: Understanding Chat Permissions: Pull Chat Mode and Push Mode.

A recorded B2C Service Support Webinar on Understanding Chat Permissions is available.

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