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Contact(s) from certain email domains cannot submit incidents
Answer ID 8164   |   Last Review Date 06/08/2023

A contact or multiple contacts that are using a certain domain are not able to submit incidents. How can I identify the cause of this issue?


Incidents, Mailboxes


If a contact that is using a certain domain, e.g, is not able to submit incidents, the first thing that you need to do is to check if the domain is blocklisted due to bad reputation.

In order to check if a domain is blocked or showing less than favorable reputation, check Cisco's IP & Domain Reputation Center.

If the domain is listed, the owner of the domain should submit a support ticket for Cisco after creating a Cisco account.  There are Support Forms for the following types of correction requests.

Ticket Type and Link Items to dispute Purpose
Web Reputation domains, URL, IP addresses  For domains, URLs or IP addresses believed to have an incorrect reputation.
Content Categorization domains, URLs, web IP addresses     Report domains, URLs or web IP addresses with incorrect categorization, or no assigned content category.
Sender IP Reputation email sender IP addresses     Report IP addresses sending malicious emails or request a correction.
Sender Domain Reputation email sender domains, email addresses     Report email sender domains or email addresses sending malicious emails, or request a reputation correction.


Note, the reputation is also based on the domain's appearance on other notable block lists so it may be necessary to contact block list owners individually to inquire about potential removal (ex. Spamhaus SBL, SORBs, etc..).

If the domain is not listed, you can use the standard report ID 227 "Incoming Email Filter Details". This report displays details concerning incoming email messages that were filtered.

If you are still not able to find the cause of this issue, using above options, submit a service request to Ask Technical Support and our Technical Support team will investigate the matter further.

For more information on blocklists, refer to Answer ID 9014: Blocklists and Removal Handling.