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Incident created without the required fields being filled out
Answer ID 809   |   Last Review Date 01/04/2024

Every now and then an incident will come in and the required fields are not set. How can this happen?


Customer Portal, Incident submission


There are ways for incidents to be submitted without required fields being completed. How this occurs depends on the source for the incident. For example, if the incident source is something other than the Ask a Question page, the submittal process may not provide a means for the contact to set the required field(s).

To determine the source of the incident, click the Details tab and the Source field is listed on the tab.

Incidents Submitted via Ask a Question: In some versions it is possible to submit and incident via the Ask a Question page wiht JavaScript disabled. If an end-user has JavaScript disabled in their browser, incidents can be submitted through the Ask a Question page without having required Products and Categories selected.

The Products and Categories menus require JavaScript to be enabled. In rare cases, an end-user may disable JavaScript in their browser configuration, and as a result, incidents can be submitted without the product or category value set.


Incidents Created from Source Other than Ask a Question: If the incident source is something other than the Ask a Question page, the submittal process may not provide a means for the contact to set the required field(s).

For example, incidents created from an email or by submitting answer feedback or site feedback do not require the user to provide product, category, or custom field information. Similarly, incidents submitted as a response to a mailing do not have required fields set.

In fact, incidents submitted from these sources do not even include a way for the user to set those fields. As, a result, incidents created from these sources are blank for the required fields.

Required fields only apply to the Ask a Question page and for incidents created from the administrative console. It is possible to set the custom fields for other incident sources by using business rules. For incidents where the incident source is email, answer feedback, site feedback, or mailing response you can configure rules to set the required fields to a specific value.


Note: For information on making fields required with incidents submitted from the Ask a Question page, refer to Answer ID 780: Requiring certain Fields with Submitted Incidents.