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After terminating chat, end users are getting "Permission Denied" message for the pop-up survey
Answer ID 7901   |   Last Review Date 02/12/2020

Why am I getting a "Permission Denied" message when terminating a chat?


Chat Rules, Interfaces, Feedback, Surveys
Oracle B2C Service, All Versions


After a chat is completed, a survey should pop-up, however the following message is being presented instead:

Permission Denied
Cannot access web page from this interface.

Illustration of error text above


When this behavior occurs verify the configuration of chat rules. Check whether any of the defined chat rules are referencing a survey which is created on the main interface, but where the chat is coming from a secondary interface.

Because surveys are interface specific, the one that is referenced in a chat rule to pop-up when chat completes must exist on the same interface from which the chat is engaged.

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