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Display order and number of columns for custom fields
Answer ID 715   |   Last Review Date 11/23/2023

Can I control the display order of custom fields?


Custom Fields, Workspaces


The order of fields is controlled by the workspace used by the staff member who edits the record. As a result, the order of custom fields is completely customizable by editing the appropriate workspace. Within the workspace configuration, you can position fields in multiple columns or on different tabs. The workspace is called out in the staff member's profile.

With the flexibility of workspaces, administrators can also make fields visible to specific staff or staff groups by creating custom workspaces. With multiple workspaces, some staff members can be granted access to certain fields or groups of fields (by adding the fields to their workspace) while other staff members might not be able to see the fields at all (if those fields were not added to the workspace).

Note: Use care when creating additional, custom workspaces. It is best to keep the overall number of workspaces to a minimum so that they can be maintained and managed more easily over time.

To determine which workspace is used by a staff member: 

  1. Open the staff account to determine the staff profile. Use the path: Configuration Items > Staff Management > Staff Accounts by Group.
  2. Open the staff profile from the Staff Management > Profiles.
  3. Click the Interfaces button located on the ribbon. The workspaces are specified on the Workspaces / Workflows tab.
  4. With the workspace name, you can then open or copy the workspace from the Application Appearance > Workspaces / Workflows.